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6 Pitbulls Company

What I'm doing now

We've started the dogs on a 'deprogram' cycle, to prepare them for their training. No talking to them except to give commands, no furniture, minimal pets per day, no toys unless we give them and take them away, working on walking skills... it's hard. I didn't realize how much I talked to and pet the dogs until I couldn't. We've also ordered a bunch of supplies (place cots, new-style leashes, muzzles, etc). I hope this pays off. We're certainly committed to investing in it. We were so blessed to see the pack walk a few weeks back and stop and ask. I hope that it pays off.

I'm hoping to get some more painting on the rental this week and weekend. If all goes well I can be finished everythign outstanding in the painting department (so far). At least until more repairs are made and I'm ready for next.

Jesse continues to improve at his driving. It's a lot of fun getting out with him and watching him work through it. We're not at the test yet, but we're getting there.

My deload cycle has finished, and I'm about to start volume week of 5/3/1. Always the hardest one to motivate for, but one that feels good once the final rep goes up.