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6 Pitbulls Company

3/22/2024 - Log



I got to the gym first thing this morning. Jesse and Justice both slept in, so I was running solo. My workout felt off again, not as bad as Wednesday, however it was still not what I've been used to. I'm not sure what's going on, but I need to put some effort into this. I was really enjoying the BWF RR for the first month, and now all of a sudden I feel like it's fallen flat.
Got skating tonight also. I was taking Beebs to meet a friend, and Jesse came too. Almost 2 hours of moderate skating, which was nice. And they even changed directions at the half, so I got to practice on my weak side!


Got out skating with Beebs and Jesse, which was nice. And we had a really nice family dinner tonight - even if it was way later than usual. Sometimes you have to sacrifice routine and sleep in order to keep up with family things. Really glad I did.


Got Jasmine and Dilly walked (1 mile), and spent a bit of time socializing Pepper on his leash. He did ok for the first couple minutes, but when we got close to a house where a dog was barking he lost his cool, and we shut it down.
Pepper has been a bit extra the past few days, snapping at Jasmine over small things. We are speculating that he may just be hangry. I'm going to up his ration for a little bit and see if it helps. I've also decided that I'm going to take over his medication duty after we're back from vacation. It was difficult keeping him on it regulary, but now that I have him on a schedule of outdoor training, I can link the medication in there also. I hope it will help both the walk training, but also just overall.


Beth went and bought new flooring today, and the kids and I unloaded it after work. I wish we could have done more, but the timing of the skating tonight precluded that. Tomorrow Jesse and I will spend the day at a security conference, but I am hoping to have at least enough time to paint a few rooms when we get back.