3/23/2024 - Log
LogFamily #
Jesse and I went to a security conference today - his first ever. This will gain him some much-needed CPEs for his certification, but will also give him some experience in some of the things we talk about in the field. He also participated in the CTF, which was a good experience for him, and prepares him for others that he may want to join later on.
Dogs #
The dogs got somewhat neglected, as I was in Rochester. Will try to make some up tojmorrow.
Projects #
During the security conference I've been able to get some free time to work on this webpage. I've managed to break and fix it about 8 times today. Most of the time I was able to figure these problems out myself, but the last two fixes I made I have no idea how they worked. I just kept thrashing away changing things until things started working again. Frustrating and gratifying at the same time... "frustrifying"?
Anyways, the one thing is that I think I'm starting to understand what I want. I need to create a landing page at the front, and then put all of these blog entries in the "Posts" section. I also want to make one of those three-line hamburger indexes for the pages, instead of the banner at the top. Finally, I'm thinking I may run into an issue as there are more and more posts, as right now it just renders all of them. At some point I may have to find a way to parcel them out a few entries per page.
Oh - and for some reason there are no spaces at the end of each entry before the next one. Need to fix that too.
I guess we'll see how this all goes.