3/29/2024 - Log
LogFamily #
Today the kids and I traveled to Grand Cayman, to visit my sister and her family. We got up early to have a quick breakfast with my parents, and then they dropped us off at the airport in time to get a morning flight to the island. We arrived shortly after noon, and after a long time in the customs line (and some distressing discoveries about our phone plan) we met up with them and drove to their condo. It's been a great day, the kids have had time together, we've spent time in the pool, played a board game, and made some plans for the week. It's been a nice time.
Dogs #
No dogs for this week, however I'm getting the occasional picture. Beth says Jasmine is doing well, so that's nice.
Reading #
I managed to get some good reading done on the plane, and a little more out on the balcony this evening. Just a fiction book, but it's been great