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6 Pitbulls Company

Keep moving forward


I spent a lot of time yesterday working on some adjustments to my weightlifting plan. I use Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 program, but modified to only do a main lift 3 days per week, which stretches each cycle out to 5 weeks instead of 4. I was working to modify it back to a 4 week cycle, but still only 3 workouts per week. The intent was to double-up two of the main lifts to one day without assistance work, and then use the other two days to do one main lift each, with all of my assistance work pushed to those also.
I made a decent plan, getting the order tweaked to get the right amount of rest, and changing up the assistance work a bit.
But then this morning when I was dead lifting I realized that I don't really need that. I'm middle-aged, I don't recover as fast as I used to, and I'm not in a rush. So there's really no need to go to a 4 week cycle, it will just make me stall faster.
The work wasn't wasted - I kind of had to put it in to convince myself I didn't need it. And I'll probably apply some of my assistance changes to the next cycle. But it was an interesting revelation. I'm not 20 any more, and I shouldn't be making goals like I am...


Kids are back in school, but we haven't really figured out our new routine I think that will take a while. They have brought home the first round of the cruds though, which tore through our whole household. As usual I got it worst. The jury is out in our family whether illnesses affect me more, or if I'm just a great big wuss though.


No good progress to report here. I'm going to put Pepper back on the prong collar next time he's out and see if that helps with his digging at his face. I think he's trying to dig at the nose loop, not at the muzzle. We'll know for sure when he's got the prong collar and the muzzle back on together though. I'm also going to get the head strap back on, because I think he's at risk of getting the whole thing pulled down his chin if we don't.


We're at this stage where work needs to be done, but I'm not able to do any of it. So I'm trying to be a cheerleader for those who can do the work, until it's back to things I can handle. It's hard. Being a cheerleader sometimes looks a lot like 'bossy'. Trying though...


Need to get back on this more. I am reading the Miracle of Mindfulness right now, but in bite-sized chunks. After that I have Grammy's book on deck, and then a few others. Just need the time...