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6 Pitbulls Company

Tagged “Log”

  1. Here we go again...

    So it's been a while. I've been able to work up the back end on this. I'm going to try to start posting a little more frequently going forward, both to test out the process and the software, but also to try to get into the habit. The first few are going to be pretty bland and mostly follow the same form, but hopefully I can get more engaged and also engaging as I get more consistent.


    We're on vacation, but yesterday I was able to go out to a local gym and get some climbing in. I was actually pleased with the routes I was able to project, and am feeling that I'm starting to get out of my slump. Consistency is helping. I was supposed to be doing my 1RMs at the gym this week also, but vacation schedule has caused me to push them back to next week. Hopefully the DOMS will be offset by decent completions.


    As mentioned - vacation. Beebs is working all summer, so this vacation is as much a visit for her as anything else. But since she's working, it turns out I can't spend as much time with her as I'd hoped. It looks like she's really thriving here, and making some great friends, which is wonderful. Jesse is having a good time seeing his grandparents, aunt and cousins, which is also very nice.


    Beth is home with the dogs. She's been working them through their paces daily. They have been responding with greater and lesser enthusiasm, depending on the day, but she's sticking through it. I'm excited to see their progress tomorrow when I get home.


    Rental is progressing slowly. We're getting new windows in, and I was able to get one coat of primer on the kitchen before I left. Looking forward to getting back to this one when I get home.


    I'm slowly working my way through Meditations. It's really really good, but I can't just go through it all in a large sitting. You need to do it in bite-sized chunks. I've got a couple other books that I'm finishing up or need to write notes on, but that's the one that I'm really serious about getting finished up and digesting.

  2. Stoicism for dogs?
    A daily update, with a bit of thoghts on the upcoming dog program


    I walked about 3 miles today, with the dogs. Our trainer does not like my Y leash, so I need to walk them individually to teach them what is expected from them during walks. That means I walked 3 sequential miles.
    We had to cancel climbing. There is a church meeting tonight during our regular Sunday climbing time, and scheduling issues hampered us from pushing it forward. Next weekend is a holiday, and Jesse will be gone - but hopefully I'll get some climbing in then.


    Mixed bag here. Beth has been working from the time she left church today. We may see her this evening. The kids have had something of a chill day, with Beebs going to an art-supply festival and having a friend over, and Jesse spending time on the computer between programming and doing the AAA online driving course.


    As mentioned earlier, 1 mile walk each. They each did ok, although Dilly had a bit of a snit with another dog we passed. The detox proceeds. Probalby as hard on us as it is on them.

    It's been interesting. The dog trainer keeps stressing that we need to follow the dogs' nature in training them. Become the pack leader, use the techniques the dog's mother uses in correcting, allow the dogs to follow their migratory instincts, allow them to shred and consume food items as rewards.
    Jesse and I have been going through a book on Stoicism recently as part of our Father Son times. The main tenant of stoicism is living in accordance with nature. It strikes me that this is what we're trying to work on with the dogs as well. But it's more about us understanding the dogs' nature so that we can provide an environment and situation that is in accordance with it.
    The one thing that I feel is missing is that the training focuses on the nature of dogs... but dogs and humans have been working together and cohabitating as long as dogs have existed as a species. I love the idea of dogs living in accordance with nature, but I think that some of that has to be the social interaction with humans that is also hard-wired into them.
    She's a lot more versed in this than I am, and has put a lot more thought into it... but I will be seeking ways that we can work on this nature too. I think this is where the thought that dogs need jobs comes from. Part of their nature is to be a functioning part of human-dog pairings.
    Anyways, still something I'm thinking about. But it's fun to think that we're teaching the dogs stoic philosophy as we learn it ourselves.


    Really hoping to get a bit of time on my current fiction book today. And then tomorrow I need to get back to my non-fiction book again.

  3. 3/29/2024 - Log


    Today the kids and I traveled to Grand Cayman, to visit my sister and her family. We got up early to have a quick breakfast with my parents, and then they dropped us off at the airport in time to get a morning flight to the island. We arrived shortly after noon, and after a long time in the customs line (and some distressing discoveries about our phone plan) we met up with them and drove to their condo. It's been a great day, the kids have had time together, we've spent time in the pool, played a board game, and made some plans for the week. It's been a nice time.


    No dogs for this week, however I'm getting the occasional picture. Beth says Jasmine is doing well, so that's nice.


    I managed to get some good reading done on the plane, and a little more out on the balcony this evening. Just a fiction book, but it's been great

  4. 3/24/2024 - Log


    I got out to the climbing gym today with Jesse and Justice. We got there at 5, and stayed until shortly before it shut down at 7. Made some progress on some routes, although it was mostly a projecting day, so not a lot of full successful routes. Still, there are two that I may be able to complete another day if I come in fresh. Really enjoyed the time with the boys.


    As mentioned, went climbing with the boys. We also had my birthday meal today, since I'll be gone for most of my birthday proper. We had calzones as a family, which was really nice. Then we had family over after climing for our ice cream cake, which was also a lot of fun. For all that we live close, we don't seem to get a lot of time together. Maybe we will find a way to work on that.


    Jasmine and Dilly both got walked today. Pepper got some work too. He actually did really well, when you grade on the curve that he is always graded on. We also did a bit of inside training too. We had an issue tonight when he was tryign to guard one of our guests from another of the dogs which I had to correct. Why is it that he tries to bark most of our guests away, but guards the rest from everyone else?


    I got up early this morning before the family and tidied the kitchen, ran the dishwasher, tidied the living and dining room and got a suitcase down from the attic. Beebs and Beth did a lot more when I was out climbing though, it's looking bretter in here!


    Worked on the webpage some more. I got the 404 page working, and am slowly unifying to a single template for the time being. We will see how this goes long-term, but my reducing what I've got and my cleaning up is helping me understand how things work better at least. And Jesse told me he'll give me a css lesson at some point, so that will help a lot more.

  5. 3/23/2024 - Log


    Jesse and I went to a security conference today - his first ever. This will gain him some much-needed CPEs for his certification, but will also give him some experience in some of the things we talk about in the field. He also participated in the CTF, which was a good experience for him, and prepares him for others that he may want to join later on.


    The dogs got somewhat neglected, as I was in Rochester. Will try to make some up tojmorrow.


    During the security conference I've been able to get some free time to work on this webpage. I've managed to break and fix it about 8 times today. Most of the time I was able to figure these problems out myself, but the last two fixes I made I have no idea how they worked. I just kept thrashing away changing things until things started working again. Frustrating and gratifying at the same time... "frustrifying"?
    Anyways, the one thing is that I think I'm starting to understand what I want. I need to create a landing page at the front, and then put all of these blog entries in the "Posts" section. I also want to make one of those three-line hamburger indexes for the pages, instead of the banner at the top. Finally, I'm thinking I may run into an issue as there are more and more posts, as right now it just renders all of them. At some point I may have to find a way to parcel them out a few entries per page.
    Oh - and for some reason there are no spaces at the end of each entry before the next one. Need to fix that too.
    I guess we'll see how this all goes.

  6. 3/22/2024 - Log
    My daily summary


    I got to the gym first thing this morning. Jesse and Justice both slept in, so I was running solo. My workout felt off again, not as bad as Wednesday, however it was still not what I've been used to. I'm not sure what's going on, but I need to put some effort into this. I was really enjoying the BWF RR for the first month, and now all of a sudden I feel like it's fallen flat.
    Got skating tonight also. I was taking Beebs to meet a friend, and Jesse came too. Almost 2 hours of moderate skating, which was nice. And they even changed directions at the half, so I got to practice on my weak side!


    Got out skating with Beebs and Jesse, which was nice. And we had a really nice family dinner tonight - even if it was way later than usual. Sometimes you have to sacrifice routine and sleep in order to keep up with family things. Really glad I did.


    Got Jasmine and Dilly walked (1 mile), and spent a bit of time socializing Pepper on his leash. He did ok for the first couple minutes, but when we got close to a house where a dog was barking he lost his cool, and we shut it down.
    Pepper has been a bit extra the past few days, snapping at Jasmine over small things. We are speculating that he may just be hangry. I'm going to up his ration for a little bit and see if it helps. I've also decided that I'm going to take over his medication duty after we're back from vacation. It was difficult keeping him on it regulary, but now that I have him on a schedule of outdoor training, I can link the medication in there also. I hope it will help both the walk training, but also just overall.


    Beth went and bought new flooring today, and the kids and I unloaded it after work. I wish we could have done more, but the timing of the skating tonight precluded that. Tomorrow Jesse and I will spend the day at a security conference, but I am hoping to have at least enough time to paint a few rooms when we get back.

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